Future Doctor, Gregory

  Gregory has a form of Autism called Asperger’s, making him exceptionally book smart, but unable to pick up on social cues. Greg tends to adjust to any social situation like a chameleon. For example, if he’s around small children, he will behave like...

Captain Parker

For the last 2 years, Parker has been receiving Employment Services from Sycamore Services. She also does work studies through Martinsville High School, and she spends time working at the library, the fire station, and Flowers by Dewey, but her main job is at...

Wings of Golf Ends

After 15 wonderful years, the organizers of the annual Wings of Golf event and its partners will no longer host the annual Wings of Golf outing in 2019 and beyond. New visions and changing business climates lead all parties involved to make this difficult decision....
March is Disability Awareness Month

March is Disability Awareness Month

March is Disability Awareness Month and Sycamore Services is celebrating by raising awareness about this year’s theme, “Be Cool. We Are.” According to the Indiana Governor’s Council for People with Disabilities, the goal of Disability Awareness Month...
David Loves Post Masters

David Loves Post Masters

With the help of two Employment Consultants, David has been a successful employee since 2002. He started off as a Dietary Aide in the kitchen at Harrison Retirement Center and worked there for 12 years. After that, he was a Community Intern at IU West Hospital,...